AMERICA - wither goest thou?

By Harry V. Martin

Copyright FreeAmerica and Harry V. Martin, 1995


"All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest, with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not, by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years. At what point, then, is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author andfinisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide." - Abraharn Lincoln, January 27, 1837.

America - wither goest thou? Today, the United States has no major rival on the inlernational stage. For it to falter, to fall, it would be as Abraham Lincoln said, "If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher." To listen to talk show radio across the country, to read endless journals - from the far right, to the moderate, to the far left - the same message continues to appear. America is ill. The symptoms of this illness are manifested in what many see as:


The American public has seen many scandals in government throughout the years - Watergate, Iran-Contra, the Savings and Loan debacle and many others. Now how do these symptoms compare with an illness that fell across France two hundred years ago? These were the social conditions during the French Revolution: America has yet not fallen on such bleak times - but the signs of the time cry out a warning to all. The warnings of danger first came from the small alternative press and from public radio. But in more and more periodicals the warning is growing. The San Francisco Chronicle, considered a conservative mainstream newspaper, ran an article on October 7, 1993, entitled Next Hot Spot for UN. Troops: The U.S.? The article states: "The United Nations now has multinational peacekeeping troops stationed in 14 countries around the world. The precise missions vary, but they all have one thing in common: The international soldiers are there to help bring tranquillity and safety to places that can't do so on their own. So perhaps there is one more place a UN. multinationalforce is desperately needed: Tke United States. Preposterous? Maybe not. Maybe it is an issue for the 184 member nations of the UN. to discuss. Sending soldiers from around the world onto the streets of our own country? We probably haven't come to that point where we need such action yet, but we're veering perilously close ."


President Bill Clinton promised at the Conference of U.S. Mayors that he intended to put 100,000 federal police on the street. What federal police? He was not talking about the Drug Enforcement Agency nor the Federal Bureau of Investigation, he was talking about a Federal Police Force. But where do you think this Federal force is coming from? U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer sent us a photocopy of Page 843 of H.R. 3355, the new Federal Crime Bill (we now have the complete 960-page bill). If anyone else had sent such a pholocopy we would challenge its credibility. But Senator Boxer's office made a copy of one page of the 960 page Crime Bill. Here is what it says:


"Not later than 6 rnonths after the date of enactment of this Act, the Attorney General, in concert with the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Agency, the Commissioner of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, and the Commissioner of the Customs Service, shall report to Congress and the President on the efforts made, and the success of such efforts, to recruit and hire former Royal Hong Kong Police officers into Federal law enforcement positions. The reports shall discuss any legal or administrative barriers preventing a program of adequate recruitment of former Roval Hong Kong Police officers."

The United States government insists that because of the inner city violence, there is a need for a nalional police force and the hiring of foreign troops, along with the confiscation of firearms. The British Government has used Chinese Ghurkas as the Royal Hong Kong police for many decades, plus they used them as a mercenary army throughout the world. The Ghurkas have been training in the United States for a few years. Journalists and public officials in Montana have verified their presence. President George Bush signed an executive order allowing U.N. troops to be used in the United States to quell civil unrest. President Bill Clinton has signed an executive order that allows United States troops to serve under foreign commanders.

At Fort Polk, Louisiana, U.S. and foreign troops train together - including Russian soldiers. Part of the training is in a mock city built by the govemment. The training focuses on door-to-door searches for weapons. Similar training was conducted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in Montana. The Associated Press reported on August 21, 1993, the use of Russian equipment and personnel at Fort Polk. Thc information service office at the base did verify the Russian presence. In both Alabama and in Mississippi Russian and German trucks are parked in compounds which are guarded by black-uniformed soldiers wearing ski masks.

In Anchorage, Alaska, as reported in the Anchorage Times, black uniformed soldiers arrested a motorist and detained him. The incident took place on the Glen Highway near Wasilla. A motorist was speeding and was pulled over by four civilian type vehicles with flashing lights. The motorist stopped his vehicle and was approached by a black uniform trooper with a new model M-16 and packing a sidearm - with no badge or identifying emblem. When the trooper and others started to search the motorist's vehicle, the motorist said he wanted to see a search warrant only to be informed that these troopers did not require a search warrant. Everything was removed from the vehicle. A similar incident occurred in Northern California on Highway 880. When the motorist asked for identification from the troopers and a search warrant, his vehicle was seized.


But what is of more concern is the fact that the Uniled States government is now recruiting street gangs. On February 9, 1994, a seminar was held in Chicago. The seminar was called an Urban Summit in which people like Chicago gangster Wallace "Gator" Bradley was one of the attendees. Bradley is the "enforcer" for "King" Larry Hoover, the leader of the Gangster Disciples. The government provided grants to the gangs. The grants, up to $2.5 million, have been provided as an incentive to preserve peace between the gangs. The Washington Times reported on December 14, 1993, "As part of Operation Reconstruclion, a fledgling campaign to curb street violence, business leaders are outfitting sorne of the city's toughest gang members with free cellular phones, jobs and cash. In exchange, the gang members are expected to patrol their neighborhoods." The program's board of directors include Crips leader Michael Darren Ashbrry, who recently threatened to shoot the local police and kill their families, and Bloods leader Eric David James, whose criminal record includes burglary and aggravated motor vehicle theft. Of such a program, the Los Angeles Times reported on April 19, 1993, "A year ago, Bloods and Crips emerged from the ashes with their red and blue bandannas tied in unity. The summer months were marked by jubilant peace gatherings at the housing projects in Watts..." A few of the gang leaders were financially rewarded by the government. But when no further funds were provided the gangs threatened new armed violence and terrorism.

In 1966, a Chicago gang truce was negotiated between the Blackstone Rangers and the Eastside Disciples. The "peacemakers" were rewarded with a $972,000 Federal grant. After receiving the Federal money, the Rangers evolved into an even more ruthless syndicate called El Rukn. During the French Revolution, the Sans-Culotte mobs were organized and controlled by conspiring elites; the mob violence prompted the manipulable masses into seeking authoritarian controls from the revolutionary government. The Nazis used the Brown-shirts to create violence.

In the Crime Bill of 1991, passed by Congress by an overwhelming margin, there are provisions for the U.S. Government to build scores of detention camps around the nation. These detention camps are reportedly to be used for illegal aliens, drug traffickers, and political dissidents. In the 1930s, the Nazis also built such facilities for "similar purposes". Though Congress authorized their construction in 1992, many of these facilities had already been built. The 1991 Crime Bill allows the President of the United States to declare martial law in case of a "drug crisis".

There were 24,703 Americans murdered in 1991 and 1.9 million incidents of violent crime reported - and the emphasis is on reported. The San Francisco Chronicle article of October 7, 1993, further states, "The very thought of these UN troops on American street corners is undoubtedly offensive to millions of Americans - the thought of soldiers from around the world, under the banner of the United Nations, taking over our streets. After all, UN. soldiers traditionally are deployed only to nations that cannot take care of their own problems." The article implies, the United Nations would send troops to any nation with such a lawlessness state - and the United States would qualify under those guidelines.


The nation has been gearing up for internal problems for many years. Hundreds of Presidential Executive Orders have been issued to allow emergency powers under any type of crisis - perceived or real. A Presidential Executive Order - whether Constitutional or not - becomes law simply by its publication in the Federal Registry. Congress is bypassed. Here are just a few Executive Orders that would suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. These Executive Orders have been on record for nearly 30 years and could be enacted by the stroke of a Presidential pen: Without Congressional approval, the President now has the power to transfer whole populations to any part of the country, the power to suspend the Press and to force a national registration of all persons. The President, in essence, has dictatorial powers never provided to him under the Constitution. The President has the power to suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights in a real or perceived emergency. Unlike Lincoln and Roosevelt, these powers are not derived from a wartime need, but from any crisis domestic or foreign, hostile or economic. Roosevelt created extraordinary measures during the Great Depression, but any President faced with a similar - or lesser - economic crisis now has extraordinary powers to assume dictatorial status.


The Constitution of the United Stales provides a mechanism by which foreign treaties must be approved by both the President of the United States and the U.S. Senate. This also holds true for covenants and agreements that require United States participation in foreign bodies.

In 1918, President Woodrow Wilson was the architect of the League of Nations, an international body that would regulate the conduct of nations. The need for such a League was vital in the eyes of Wilson. But to implement it and have the United States participate in it, the Democratic President needed the confirmation of the Republican Senate. The Senate declined to oblige the President and the United States never became a member of the League of Nations. Without the United States, the League sat hopelessly by watching the clouds of World War Two form over Europe, Africa and Asia. With the outbreak of the war, the League of Nations collapsed.

President Franklin Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Premiere Josef Stalin formulated a plan to institute the United Nations. President Harry Truman stated immediately after Roosevelt's death that the United Nations concept would go forward. The United Nations was born in San Francisco in 1945. The world headquarters for the United Nation was scheduled to be built in Moraga, California, until the Rockefller family offered the New York site free.

The United Nadons was a weak organization, with veto power vested in the Security Council composed of the world powers of the time - the Soviet Union, Nationalist China, Great Britain, France and the United States. Any one nation had the power to cancel any action. There is a gathering strength in the United Nations today, that never existed before and that new position does worry some American political observers. More increasingly, smaller countries are beginning to dominate votes in the General Assembly. The breakup of the Soviet Union, for instance, could provide a greater voice with each Republic gaining a seat in the United Nations. Already, the nation of Macedonia - part of Yugoslavia, has been admitted. There are more socialist countries in the United Nations now than there are democracies - shifting the balance of power in the General Assembly.

When the United States sought support for its invasion of Iraq, it turned to the United Nations and several powers, including the Soviet Union, to unify public opinion. At that time President George Bush referred to such operations as the New World Order. But the Iraqi War was not the driving force for the New World Order, it was the first public showing of such an Order. Going along with the concept of the New World Order, United Nations troops are becoming more active - in Yugoslavia, Somalia, Haiti and in Cambodia. President Bush even signed an Executive Order in April 1992 permitting United Nations troops to operate within the boundaries of the United States to quell domestic or international violence that might occur here.

Where did President Bush gain the authority for such an Executive Order? The authority can be found in the First Session of the 97th Congress in Senate Treaty Document No. 97- 19. On Januany, 17, 1980, while President Jimmy Carter was still in the White House, the President and Senate confirmed the Constitution of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization.


The Preamble, Article I (Objectives) and Article 2 (Functions), defines the entire concept of the New World Order - eight years before the election of President Bush and 10 months before the election of Ronald Reagan. The foreign Constitution states that the intent of the New World Order is to "direct, control, finance and subsidize all natural and human resourses and agro-related, as well as basic industries...through dynamic social and economic changes...with a view to assisting in the establishment of a new international econornic order." The Preamble creaates an oligarchy who will establish "rational and equitable international economic relations". United States currency and coin, used by most standards, would no longer be stabilized nor assured of its value. A new economic standard would be implemented. An example of this type of shifting can be seen in Europe with the establishment of the Euro Dollar, which forced several European nations to devalue their currency. The United Nations Industrial Development Organizadon does not call for general elections. A total of 45 members are elected to a Board of Directors by the General Assembly. There is no guarantee the larger, more industrial nations will be represented on the Board.

Since the President and the Senate approved the U N. Constitution, many laws have been created in this nation under the guise of Executive Orders or, for example, the Crime Bill of 1991, allowing more power to the President in time of domestic or international emergency. Senate Report 93-549 states: "Under the powers delegated by these statutes, the President may; seize property; organize and control the means of production; seize commodities; assign military forces abroad; institute martial law; seize and control all transportation and communication; regulate the operation of private enterprise; restrict travel; and in a plethora or particular ways, control the lives of all American cilizens."

There has been much debate focused on whether the American people would allow such drastic measures to be taken. Most experts agree that it would take an extraordinary crisis in order for any President to invoke such non-Democratic measures. The criterion of an emergency has not been defined in any law, but it provides for domestic, international or even just monetary threat to allow the activation of such harsh controls. If the American people, in general, believed that such a crisis was that acute, the ability to invoke such measures would be made easier. Obviously, there would be some pockets of resislance. Though there have been such laws on the books since President Richard Nixon helped to shape them, no President has invoked them nor even threatened publicly to do so. But any given President at any given time has the power and the resources to invoke such laws. Under regulations approved by Congress, such laws could be invoked without their consultation or approval, and Congress would not be allowed to review such actions until six months after they had been activated. In the Crime Bill of 1991, Congress provided similar powers that allow for the construction of detention camps, the rounding up of aliens and U.S. citizens, the suspending of habeas corpus - Constitutional law protecting againsl illegal detention - and the right to declare martial law in the evenl of a "drug crisis".

Senate Report 93-549 concedes, "A majority of the people of the United States have lived all of their lives under emergency rule. For 40 years freedoms and government procedures guaranteed by the Constitution have in varying degrees been abridged by laws brought into force by states of national emergency. Nixon declared a state of emergency in 1973 and there are no documents to support that the emergency was lifted. Much of the foreground of the "emergency" has been the atomic age. The fear of massive nuclear attack set a series of emergency agencies and laws into effect. The main purpose was to assure the continuity of government in the case of a nuclear attack survival, pure and simple, of the American government. But in placing such regulations into the survival scenario, what the United States government did was to protect government officials and offices, but not the survival or assurances of the democratic processes. The intent was to be able to survive a nuclear attack and retaliate. Saving democratic principles was of less concern than preventing an aggressor, who launched the nuclear attack, to win an undeclared war in a matter of minutes. A nuclear counterattack would have been met with a second nuclear strike, met in turn by a second counterattack.

Today, that emergency level has shifted away from the nuclear attack scenario and focused instead on economic problems and the potential of civilian unrest within the United States. The Executive Orders, transfer of power to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Crime Bill of 1991, and United States ratification of the United Nations Constitution in 1980, all commence to usurp the rights of Americans guaranteed under the Constitution of the United States. The seizure laws, gun control measures, emergency legislation, all eke away at Constitutional rights guaranteed to all citizens.

President John F. Kennedy atlempled lo shifl the economic power base away from the independent Federal Reserve Board and back to Congress. Under the Constitution, only Congress sha11 have the right to coin money. Yet if you look at every bill in your wallet, you will see that it is a Federal Reserve Note. Kennedy signed an Executive Order in 1963, directing the monetary system of this nation be placed back into the Constitutional hands of Congress. He was assassinated within three weeks of that order and President Lyndon Johnson rescinded the order within a week of taking office. President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned the nation, on his retirement from the Presidency, not to trust the powers that were building - the military-industrial complex. The changes in our fundamental freedoms have, as the Senate stated, been eroded in some form for 40 years.

The public documentation exists on these erosions, but few individuals have sought them out and few people of influence have bothered to inform the public of these basic changes. The corporate-owned media has sat quietly by on the sidelines, reviewing proflts and not public priority. America has been gradually shifting, laws have been created over four decades that have established the machinery for massive Presidential authority in any time of undefined emergency.

The only question that remains is: Will the day and the person come that will see the implementation of these laws? George Washington's vision foresees foreign troops on American soil and the eventual triumph of the people of this land. Lincoln says destruction can only come from within.

America - wither goest thou?